As you might have all heard, this was the Year of the Babies at Hilda Lahti Elementary. Late last spring we discovered that three of our teachers were expecting babies in December and January. Add new hire Kim Chambers to the mix and the next thing we knew she was also expecting a January baby!
Rewind to last March. Brittney and I went to a conference together in Eugene. At some point during the 4 hour car ride we started chatting about family. We had both stated that we felt ready and were going to start trying at "some point" and see what happened. Apparently that "some point" was happening sooner rather than later! Brittney and I both realized we were expecting soon after that trip to Eugene. One day after school Brittney told me that she was going to be gone the next day because she had a doctor appointment with a doctor in Seaside, Dr. Greco. I had also just made an appointment with Dr. Greco and knew that the only new patients she was taking at that time were pregnant women. I then told her my secret and we became excited that we would be going through this uncharted territory together. A few weeks later a teacher came up to Brittney and said "You need to talk to Nicole she has something to tell you." Suspecting something was up I followed Brittney down the hall and the three of us slipped into the counseling office and Nicole shared that she was due December 10th.
At the end of the year we hired a new kindergarten teacher, Kim Chambers. After school was out Nicole invited Brittney, Zach, Ben and I over for dinner as part of the new "baby club". When we arrived she told us that there was another expecting couple joining us for dinner. Much to my surprise it was Ben and Kim!
These 3 girls have been there for me throughout my entire pregnancy. We spent the fall working with our big bellies and showing up to work at 7:00am. We shared our aches, pains, and excitement together on a daily basis. In November the staff threw us a shower which was so special. Between December 1st and January 21st we all welcomed happy, healthy babies! Now when we get together with our babies we spend hours talking about all that comes along with motherhood. We are all headed back to work in the next few weeks and will now spend our time at school planning and prepping so we can get home to our babies!
Here we are with our babies:
Brittney and Karli, Nicole and Odessa, Carrie and Lucy, and Kim and Kincaid!

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